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Cataract patient gets back normal eyesight with aid from RCKK Pearl, EyeMedics Specialist Eye Centre
KOTA KINABALU: Thanks to the initiative of the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu Pearl (RCKK Pearl), cataract patient Mary Rosalia Lim’s vision is now back to normal. She is very grateful to have been a beneficiary of the free cataract surgery programme, dubbed “Hope In Sight” project which is jointly undertaken by RCKK Pearl and EyeMedics Specialist Eye Centre.
国际视觉日Hope in Sight项目 庇珍珠扶轮社与EYEMEDICS眼科中心 免费白内障手术予低收入妇女
国际视觉日Hope in Sight项目 庇珍珠扶轮社与EYEMEDICS眼科中心 免费白内障手术予低收入妇女 (亚庇讯)眼睛是人类的灵魂之窗,保护好自己的眼睛非常重要。 为此,配合本月8日国际视觉日,亚庇珍珠扶轮社与亚庇EYEMEDICS眼科专科中心,携手推行让视界充满希望(Hope in Sight)项目,提供免费白内障手术。 Milli [...]
庇珍珠扶轮社与EYEMEDICS 再助3妇女切除白内障
(亚庇讯)随着年龄的增长,眼睛功能必然下降,而其中,白内障更是一种常见的眼疾。 众所周知,白内障手术的价格并不便宜,动辄3千令吉以上,这导致许多人,尤其是低收入群体,无能力接受手术,让自己恢复良好的视力。 为此,亚庇珍珠扶轮社与亚庇EYEMEDICS眼科专科中心,携手推行让视界充满希望(Hope in Sight)项目,为符合资格的低收入群体妇女,提供免费白内障手术。
亚庇珍珠扶轮社(Hope in Sight)项目再为3患者进行白内障手术
(亚庇讯)随着年龄的增长,眼睛功能必然下降,而其中,白内障更是一种常见的眼疾。 众所周知,白内障手术的价格并不便宜,动辄3千令吉以上,这导致许多人,尤其是低收入群体,无能力接受手术,让自己恢复良好的视力。 为此,亚庇珍珠扶轮社与亚庇EYEMEDICS眼科专科中心,携手推行让视界充满希望(Hope in Sight)项目,为符合资格的低收入群体妇女,提供免费白内障手术。
Project to provide free cataract surgery
KOTA KINABALU: EyeMedics Specialist Eye Centre Kota Kinabalu is partnering with Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu (RCKK) Pearl to provide free cataract surgery. The “Hope in Sight” project partnership is in conjunction with World Sight Day which falls on October 8, 2020. Surgeries were performed on October 8, on Milli @ Mary Pangga and Patricia Fong, on each of their eyes. They will be undergoing surgery soon for the other eye as soon as situation permits.
Specialist eye centre opens at T1 Bundusan
PENAMPANG: EyeMedics Sdn Bhd, an ambulatory specialist eye centre, officially opened its doors at T1 Bundusan, here, Saturday. Its founder Dr Terrence Soong, who is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon and retinal specialist, said it is the first of its kind to unveil in Penampang, which offers treatment for various eye diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, uveitis, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy and myopia, among others.
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To Our Dearest Patients, WE REMAIN OPEN THROUGHOUT THE MCO PERIOD FROM 13 JANUARY – 26 JANUARY 2021 WITH THE SAME OPERATING HOURS. Please wear your mask at all times, practise physical distancing and stay safe.